Guidelines for make nominations

Marlborough Netball Centre Life Membership is the highest honour MNC can confer on any individual. As such, it recognises significant service given to the sport at a very high level. The regulations specify the Nominee must:

  • have been awarded a MNC Service Award as of 2018 or awarded an Honours Award prior to 2018; and
  • have provided an outstanding contribution to Netball that has enhanced the game locally, nationally and / or internationally.

Nomination and Award Process

Closing Date         

Nominations close 5.00pm, 30th September.


Nominations must be made on the Life Membership Nomination Form (available on MNC website). A Netball CV must be attached detailing the nominee’s Netball service (with dates).


Nominations will be forwarded to the MNC Life Membership & Service Awards Committee who will consider them and determine whether an award should be recommended.


Recommendations will be forwarded to MNC Board who will confirm the memberships to be conferred. MNC will advise nominating entities of the outcome of nominations. Neither the Committee nor the Board will enter discussions regarding any nomination.


Presentation of MNC Service Award badges will be at the following MNC AGM.

Nominating Entity

Only Clubs, Schools and Associate Members of MNC may make a nomination. The contact person name is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of material provided.

Netball CV​​​​​​​

A separate Netball CV must be attached. This should list the nominee’s involvement in Netball, including details of activities, years and the entities where these occurred. This will avoid details having to be listed in the form; instead, the focus can be on the quality of their service and the benefits it has brought.